Jason Rhodes, a long-time member of Flooret's Partner+ program, has carved out a unique space for himself in the flooring industry through skill, dedication, and a passion for quality. Originally from Wilmington, North Carolina, Jason now calls Durham home, where he proudly owns Creative Flooring Solutions. When he's not transforming homes with beautiful floors, you might find Jason spending time with his family or reminiscing about his days playing in a salsa band. His story is as rich and varied as the floors he installs, making him a true standout in his field.

A Unique Journey

Jason's path to flooring was far from conventional. After spending five years in the Army, he pursued a degree in Spanish literature at NC State University. It was during this time that he started working part-time with his roommate's uncle, learning the intricacies of hardwood flooring. Reflecting on his unexpected career trajectory, Jason shared, "I did not ever plan on doing flooring for a living. If somebody had told me that 25 years later, I would own a flooring business, I wouldn’t believe you."

His career took another turn when a job as an unlimited general contractor building dental offices unexpectedly fell through. Faced with the need to start over, Jason leveraged his flooring skills to launch Creative Flooring Solutions in 2012. Starting with a "van and a bucket of tools," he has since built a reputable business known for meticulous craftsmanship and quality. He lives by the ethos, “Whatever energy I put into something, I’ll get out of it.” Jason has always put his best effort into his work, and the results are evident.

Discovering Flooret

Jason's relationship with Flooret began when a well-researched client introduced him to the brand. He recalls his first impression vividly: "Right when I touched the first plank, I was like, man, what is this?" This encounter marked the beginning of a long-standing preference for Flooret products, particularly their luxury vinyl planks (LVP). Jason's enthusiasm for Flooret is evident: "The first thing I show people who are interested in LVP is Flooret."

Commitment to Quality

Jason’s dedication to quality is a cornerstone of his business philosophy. His company specializes in hardwood installation, refinishing, and LVP installation, and he prides himself on his team’s workmanship. "Most of my guys are craftsmen-oriented type of folks," he says. "We’re not slapdash types. We’re geared towards customers who value quality."

This approach is also reflected in his choice of materials. Jason highlights Flooret’s specifications, such as their 40-mil wear layer and wide, long planks, which set them apart from other brands. "When you do price comparisons... it always goes back to value with Flooret and what I’m getting for the money that I’m spending."

Challenges and Rewards

Like any seasoned professional, Jason acknowledges the challenges of his trade, particularly in communication with clients. "Everybody has their priorities, and everybody's life has them in different situations," he explains. However, the pros far outweigh the cons. He takes great satisfaction in transforming spaces and receiving positive feedback from clients. "Seeing the older floor and then replacing it with something like Flooret and seeing how it just transforms a space... that also gives me satisfaction."

Advice for Clients and Contractors

Jason offers some valuable advice for homeowners considering new flooring: think long-term and avoid piecemeal projects. "Get the most out of their money. Flooring is a big investment... you want to get it right the first time and making the right decision is crucial. " he advises.

For fellow contractors, Jason stresses the importance of quality and knowing one’s worth. "I found out real quick that you don’t want every single job. Some people don’t have the budget to do quality work." He encourages sticking to high standards and choosing trustworthy products, noting that his relationship with Flooret has been instrumental in maintaining these standards.

A Trusted Partner

Jason Rhodes exemplifies the qualities of a true craftsman: dedication, attention to detail, and an unwavering commitment to quality. His journey through life has enriched his perspective, making him a valuable asset to the flooring industry and a proud Partner+ member with Flooret. For any professionals in the industry, Jason’s story underscores the importance of pairing skilled installation with quality products to achieve the best results. 

Learn more about our Partner+ program here!
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